


Today has already started off feeling like a waste of time. I have to spend almost the whole hour just saying stop talking stop talking stop talking. I try to do the lesson but only two students are paying attention. They hate the lesson, they want to be able to sleep during the lesson, they want to use their mobiles, and they want to ask me for the 495943 time why did you come to Picardy? I don't know why did I come?

I hate to be a judgmental person and normally I try really hard to accept everyone. But, I really hate these children sometimes instead of trying to learn something or just kill time together, they see everything as a joke or a popularity contest. I feel like I am invisible to them.

Its hard to feel like going to class or working on anything, after a class like that. I feel like I just have to get used to it or what??

Being a grown up(teacher) is hard.

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